Your Healthy Foundation

Simply put, our purpose is to help you feel better. We provide engaging educational content and simple activities that are designed to have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Why We're Here

BasicHealth’s sole focus is to incrementally improve the lives of our partners and their members every day. It’s not about a complete lifestyle shift – most of us don’t have time for that. Instead, it’s about a few simple daily activities that, over time, can help to continuously improve our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Each day, you’ll receive a recommended list of activities, tailored for you and specifically designed to keep your mind sharp and your body functioning well – but requiring only small amounts of time. There are always opportunities to go deeper if you would like – but the recommended daily activities will expose you to potentially new activities to explore.

Content Creation Process

We meet with your internal teams – clinical, pharma, Stars, etc. to better understand where you have performance gaps with your members. As a part of this process, we’ll study the publicly available data to better understand the performance of your peers to ensure we’re tackling subject matter that makes sense.

Next, we’ll work with your data teams to better understand your member demographics – where they live, what languages they speak, etc. Additionally, we’ll study publicly available data for the population as a whole to better understand what will resonate with them – Ex. What tv shows perform best? What’s the most popular sports team? What kind of music is popular? 

After we’ve compiled all this data, we’ll pitch a series of topics and personas that we feel will best motivate your members to take action and focus on their health.

Once we’ve selected our topics and personas, we’ll bring in our clinical team to draft an outline of our scripts. We’ll ensure that the content we are presenting is medically accurate and meets your internal guidelines.

Next we pass our outlines to our scriptwriters to align the scripts with our personas or characters to give our content life. Most health-focused agencies fail to make an impact because the content is created solely by health professionals. We take a more human-oriented approach and present topics in a way that is designed to elicit emotion and subsequently take action.

Now the real fun begins and the content starts coming to life. This is where we start selecting our actors and scouting locations for filming. We have access to locations all over the country and can ensure we’ll have fantastic settings for production.

We’re in the home stretch. Once production starts, things move quickly. We’re on location working with our actors and filming all of your content. 
In post-production we’re doing all of our editing, adding graphics, music, and making sure everything is perfect.

Now you have the stories to motivate your members to start doing what needs to be done to improve their health. Content is hosted and distributed on the App. If you’d like to distribute your exclusive Persona content through your own channels, you’re welcome to do so.

Using the App


Content that Motivates


About us

BasicHealth is a creative technology company in Dallas, TX.

BasicHealth’s purpose is to help improve the physical and mental well-being of all our members. We seek to accomplish this by building unmatched creative solutions that are supported by innovative technology. Our team has decades of experience in technology, creative media, and health and wellness. We’re proud to push the envelope and try new things in a space that can often be a tad on the boring side. We’d love to tell you more of our story; please drop us an email or give us a call at any time. 

Ready to work together?


Your Healthy Foundation. We provide engaging educational content and simple activities that are designed to have a positive impact on your overall well-being.


Find us here


3024 Commerce St. Dallas, TX 75226
United States



[email protected]

Hours: 7:00am – 7:00pm

© BasicHealth 2020-2021. All Rights Reserved. 

Contact Us

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